Welcome to The Abundant Mom's Collective

The Abundant Moms Collective 

A 12 Month virtual retreat of receiving, for the woman who loves being a Mother but doesn’t want to get lost in it. 

Somewhere along the way, you were taught that to be a “good” Mother you have to do everything for your children. That you must forgo your own time and self-care to care for your family. 

Where and who came up with this crazy talk?! 

Your children learn from your actions, not your words. They learn from how you show up in your day to day life. How you carry yourself. How you dance. How you move. How you spend your time. How you speak to yourself and your neighbors. 

Did you know what the Number #1 indicator is for how your children will grow up in this world - if they will thrive or not? 

The Number #1 indicator is based on YOUR happiness. 

YES, it is true! You are an amazing Mother who can still experience… 

  • Romance in your marriage

  • The freedom & space to find the new version of yourself

  • Appreciation for your body and all that she does for you

  • Evolved friendships and sisterhood

  • The best sex of your life

  • Moments of rest & relaxation

  • Empowerment to take charge of your family’s finances & uplevel your relationship with $$$

  • A calm & organized Mind and Home

  • The power & cleansing elements of the breath and learning how to actually breathe. 

  • Intuitive living 

  • Beautiful home cooked meals that nourish you and your loved ones

An anxious Mother cannot show up to fully nurture their children, because they cannot show up to nurture and regulate their own selves. 

Mama, enough is enough! You are here to ditch your old ways of being. You are here to ditch the excuses and the reasons why you have been bailing on yourself. 

Because you loving Motherhood is NOT the same as you being totally lost in it. 

When you are lost in Motherhood, all of the sudden…

  • Your husband becomes the problem

  • Your body is 3rd, 4th, 5th on the list

  • Your business feels like something else that needs to get done

  • You are raging at the slightest hiccup or misstep 

  • You lost all the friends you once had

  • You are lonely AF

  • Your house is cluttered & disorganized

  • You question every decision you make

  • You lost all of your friends at once

  • You are stuck in the “I have to do it all or it doesn’t get done” mindset

  • Your sex life consists of watching Carrie Bradshaw reruns on the couch

  • Your relationship with money is uncertain, overwhelming and unknown 

  • You are constantly scrolling on your phone and comparing yourself to everything that pops up 

  • You mindlessly chat about all the reasons you can’t get your shit together

I get it. Trust me. I have been there. 

Hi! I am Alexa - Mom of 2, wife, business leader, love & lighter. I know what it feels like to start the day like a zombie. I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed by “all the things”. I know what it feels like to be so done that you reach for the remote and that extra chocolate, out of pure exhaustion. I know what it feels like to be like ships passing in the night with my partner. AND 

I know what it feels like to be at ease to take both of my kids out of the house daily, to explore the world around us. I know what it feels like to schedule and show up to personal training sessions weekly to work out my body. I know what it feels like to actually book a massage and receive an hour plus of pure bliss. I know what it feels like to continue my yoga practice and bring my babies along with me to class when I do not have other childcare. I know what it feels like to receive compliments like “you are glowing.” “you look like you meditate” “I would never know you don’t sleep through the night, you look so well rested.” I know what it is like to go on a weekly date night with my husband. I know what it feels like to ask and receive help when I need it. I know what it is like to show up for myself. 

That’s why I created The Abundant Mom’s Collective, because I know there is another way. I know there is a way for you to receive all the loving help you need, to be cheered on by your fellow sisters, to be understood during times of challenge and to be empowered by your own light & power. 

Inside The Abundant Mom’s Collective you will have access to over 15(+) experts in the field of Mind, Body, Soul & Home who are also Mothers & Grandmothers. 

These experts will share all the 

What Real Mothers Are Saying...

"In the simplest of terms, 

“What I love Most about The AMC is that no matter what the day brings, there is always something available in the collective to help me ground, practice self care or learn something new. It’s easy to connect with other moms too. It’s really important to find community and support and AMC makes that so easy!!!”

“As a working mom of two littles, I love the flexibility and adaptability of the Abundant Moms Collective. I’ve been able to hop into super constructive zoom meetings over my lunch breaks, participate in a fun yoga flow with my preschooler and lean into bite size reflections throughout the day. I appreciate that it’s a judgement free zone with a ton of offerings to suit a wide variety of interests and schedules.”

Meet Your Team 

Jennifer - Your Sex & Relationship Coach

Melissa - You Breath Work Guide

Julia - Your Career Coach

Tania - Your Health & Cooking Coach

Dr. Shah - Your Pelvic Floor Doctor 

Sara - Your Human Design & Re-Mothering Coach 

Nicole - Your Occupational Therapist 

Shawnette - Your Virtual Tea Guide 

Andrea - Your Sound Healer & Water Wellness Expert 

Lori - Your Reiki Master 

Nicole - Your Occupational Therapist 

Andrea - Your Slow Flow Yoga Teacher 

Carol - Your Harmony Yoga & Chinese Medicine Teacher 

Jess - Your Time Reclamation Expert 

Rebecca - Your Clairvoyant Nutritionist 

Elyse - Your Essential Oils Creator 

Beth - Your Meditation Guru 

Jenna - Your Cyclical Living Coach 

Alexa - Your Intuitive Founder & Life/Business Coach 

When You Join Today

When you join The Abundant Mom's Collective today, you’ll get access to our:

  • Participate in "Mindful Mama" Course: Immerse yourself in our bespoke "Mindful Mama" course. Featuring thoughtfully curated video lessons that help reframe your mindset, balance wellness and motherhood, and inspire positivity. Learning alongside fellow mothers will alleviate stress and encourage inspiration in your daily life.
  • Join "Joy Sprinklers" Events: Get involved in our "Joy Sprinklers" events, a series of community meetings with group activities designed to infuse joy into everyday life. These interactive events will allow you to connect with like-minded mothers, exchange ideas, and foster a sense of community.
  • Engage in "Mama Chat": Utilize the "Mama Chat", a live chat feature where you can openly discuss challenges, exchange experiences, or simply enjoy real-time conversations with fellow mothers. This mutual support system will help you to feel understood, less overwhelmed, and part of a community.